This week the Army and Navy announced that the Pentagon will begin offering medical examinations and long-term health monitoring for veterans who were exposed to chemical weapons in Iraq.
Up until now, most of the troops who were seeking help for their injuries caused by chemical weapons exposure had been kept quiet, and their reports swept under the rug for political reasons.
We went to Iraq hoping to find weapons of mass destruction, but instead only found chemical weapon sites with munitions that the U.S. had previously supported Saddam having. That isn’t the greatest story for the politicians who had a hand in the entire situation.
Since this video was published by the New York Times on October 15th, many more veterans have come forward to seek long awaited medical care. Unfortunately, this video has only been seen by approximately 15,000 people at the time this blog was posted. Share this story and help get the word out to those who need to hear it.
Watch video here: