Save the date for future conferences

Save the date for future conferences

Here are the dates for upcoming State and National Conferences.  If you are interested in becoming more involved with the NDNGEA, visit with us at this year’s State Combined Conference or use the “Contact Us” tab to let us know.  You’ll learn...
Budget Shmudget…

Budget Shmudget…

The next time you hear a four-star whine to Congress about how military pay and benefits are wreaking havoc on the defense budget and must be rolled back, think about this item buried deep in the news mix last week: According to the Washington Post, a few years ago...
Federal Contractors Hiring Vets Now

Federal Contractors Hiring Vets Now

  Companies that do business with the federal government employ a big chunk of the U.S. workforce — and if you’re a veteran looking to join their ranks, federal law requires that they give you a leg up. How can you take advantage?...